
A Lesson on Making Rich Friends

October 16, 2015

Private Party - Buckhead, Atlanta
Saturday, October 10, 2015

I really enjoyed socializing with my new rich friend, George, at a private party in Buckhead, Atlanta. He and I conversed over glasses of red wine about our pasts, our stories, and our journeys to becoming fabulous. Initially, I wasn't going to ask him about his upbringing - I automatically assumed he was born privileged. But, he inquired about my upbringing; so, it was an open door for me to inquire about his.

We talked about abuse we experienced as children, obstacles we had to overcome, and how we managed to succeed against all odds. Honestly, after the conversation, I felt a bit convicted by the fact that I assumed his life was nearly perfect and that we couldn't relate. It was a huge mistake on my part. Thank God George didn't know that I had prejudged him! He was so cool that he probably wouldn't have cared anyway.

It's amazing how we make the mistake of judging a person based on their appearance. I learned a valuable lesson that night: Never, ever assume. People don't always look like where they came from. I should've known better. I'm a prime example.

Nice meeting you, George!

With Love,

Quan Lanae Green

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