
How To Attract Good People Into Your Life. A Lesson From Paris...

June 16, 2016

If you've been following me on my Instagram or on my personal or public Facebook pages, you know that I recently returned from my second trip to Paris. I've posted tons of photos and shared some background information on the story behind the pics.

But, there's a deeper, more meaningful story that the photos didn't tell.

I chose to return to Paris because, when I was there for the first time in 2015, I was so inspired by the beautiful, lush gardens and parks that I made it a goal to return and allow that to be the backdrop for the completion of the book I just finished writing. My plan was to sit in the gardens, listen to the birds chirp, smell the roses, and let my environment activate my senses and fuel my inspirational fire.

But, how many of you know sometimes things don't go as planned?

It literally rained everyday from the time I got there to the day I left. Yeah, so much for my dream of writing my book in the beautiful gardens of Paris. Instead, like so many other writers that came before me, I resorted to writing in Parisian cafes. And, although the setting wasn't as beautiful and inspirational as I had planned, what was beautiful and inspirational was the people that I met in the places I never intended to be.

Each person I interacted with in Paris brought with them a message that I knew came directly from God. 

Genuine laughs with my Asian friend
One such message came through an Asian woman that I met in a cafe near Notre Dame. She brought me a message of trust, pure joy, and happiness. Everything, from her energetic mannerisms to her smile, from the way she directed her husband to take our photo to her gentle, friendly touch on my back, was done with enthusiasm and genuine merriment. I could literally feel the positive energy she brought into my space. Her heart was in it. And she didn't even know me!

It made me think about myself and my own intentions and the energy I carry around with me. And it made me think about you. 

How often do we operate out of a place of pure joy and happiness? Are we mindful of the energy we bring into others' lives? Do we view people from a lens that's clear, clean and undistorted by the hurts of our past? Or, do we view people from a lens of negativity, inaccurate perceptions, and inaccurate prejudgments?

In my book, From Poughkeepsie to Paris: A Ghetto Girl's Journey to Becoming a Fabulous Woman, I talk about how, when I was younger, I always saw the best in people and assumed everyone had good intentions. As I got older and began experiencing things like betrayal and deception, it changed the way I perceived people I came into contact with. Simply put, I didn't trust them. I didn't trust anybody. But that was a choice.

Today, I choose to operate out of a place of love and trust for everyone (with discernment of course); and, as a result, I've met some pretty amazing people who have added significant value to my life...and have brought me deeper, greater joy. I've opened myself up, I give more of myself; and, perhaps most importantly, the positive, open energy that I carry around today acts as a magnet that attracts similar-hearted people to me.

Side note: If you're super critical, judgmental, always talking about people, and carrying around negative energy, you're going to attract people to you that do the same. Those types of people will keep you stuck and hold you back from reaching your destiny. Deep down, I know you don't want that. You deserve better. Change the way you see and think about people. Change the way you see and think about yourself.

Consider how you've been interacting with people who come into your space on a daily basis. If you've been closing yourself off, if you doubt the intentions of everyone you come into contact with, and if you haven't made any new friends lately, I encourage you to let people in. Open yourself up and change the energy you're carrying around. It's okay. I officially give you permission to LET GO!

Trust others; but, most importantly, trust yourself. 

If you don't know how to trust yourself, start by knowing this one fact: Everyone's not out to get you! There are people in the world who genuinely only want to do good for others. They want to love and be loved, they want to share joy and happiness, they want to make friends and do good for others.

I was lucky enough to make friends in Paris just like the people I just described. And there's more of them out there in the world. I pray, one day, you will be open to meeting them. The great news is you don't have to travel all the way to Paris to do it.

With Love,

Quan Lanae Green

P.S. If you're interested, here are MORE PICS from my Paris trip!

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