from ghetto to fabulous

Dreams Continue to Come True

June 17, 2019

After all of these years, I'm finally starting to live out the dreams that God placed on the inside of me.

Allow me to dig deep for a minute and share with you some of the things I'm experiencing in this season of my life right now.

I'm currently preparing myself to travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to speak to over 125 women in Abu Dhabi. In the middle of packing clothes for my departure, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that this is one of those destiny moments God has been talking to me about over the years.

Back in 2013, God revealed to me that He was calling me to be an international speaker. I had dreams and visions of me speaking in Africa, in Europe...and in the UAE. We're six months into 2019 and I'm finally beginning to see the fulfillment of those dreams. In April of this year I was speaking in Kenya, this month I'm speaking in Abu Dhabi, and I have very strong reason to believe that I'll be speaking to audiences in Europe by the end of the year.

What's mind blowing to me is that I didn't see any of this coming the way it's happening. I believed God and what He showed me would become of my life; but, I never knew how it would manifest itself. I stayed faithful, I continued to do my work, and here I am today...walking in my destiny.

Dreams continue to come true for me...and I promise they'll come true for you as well.

I want to encourage you to trust the call of God on your life. The dreams and visions He showed you long ago will come to pass. Though it tarry, wait for it. The vision is for an appointed time and it will surely come to pass. Come on, Habakkuk 2:3! God is faithful. He will do what He said He would do. You can believe that, you can trust it!

God wants your dream to come true more than you do. He wants to use you to fulfill His purpose here on Earth. He's got a lot riding on you. You're His most important investment.

Don't be discouraged if it "looks like" the dream will never come to pass. I assure you, things are never as they seem. God is working behind the scenes for you. Remember what the Word says: Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Wait on Him. Be patient. Stay in faith.

I'm a living, walking, breathing testimony that your dreams can and will come true. And, when they do, be mindful to reach back and encourage another sister or brother, telling them that their dreams will come true, too.

With love,

Quan Lanae Green

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