from ghetto to fabulous

From Poverty to Prosperity: Overcoming a Poverty Mindset

January 28, 2019

Going from living a life of constant struggle to living a life of prosperity and success requires an extraordinary amount of personal development - especially if you come from the ghetto like me.

I grew up in the housing projects of a small town called Poughkeepsie located upstate New York. My childhood environment was saturated with subliminal messages that shaped my mindset and informed me of what I could and could not achieve. There was a communal way of thinking that was limiting and restrictive. I was surrounded by small-minded, complacent people who shared poor principles; and, early on, I allowed those people and their negativity to hold me back from being all that God created me to be. 

Everything in my low-income community, from the people living on government assistance and welfare, to the toxic, dirty, roach-infested buildings I lived in, sent the message that there wasn't enough, there would never be enough, and I wasn't enough. The longer I stayed in that environment, the longer I began to believe those lies. By the grace of God, I was afforded an opportunity to leave my mother and grandmother in my old 'hood in Poughkeepsie and begin a new life with my father and stepmother in the suburbs of Atlanta; I was completely surrounded by people who dreamed big, achieved greatness, and believed in me enough to give me a fair shot at success.

Once I left Poughkeepsie and was exposed to a higher way of thinking and being, my mindset began to shift. Being around people who wanted more out of life caused me to want the same. When I was living in Poughkeepsie, all I wanted was to smoke weed, look cute, and be chosen by 'hood dudes with money. However, after spending time around successful people in Georgia, it triggered within me the desire to want more out of life; I now wanted things like wealth, prosperity, and to know my God-given purpose. By most people's standards, after years of healing and personal development, I've achieved those things; however, I couldn't have achieved them without taking massive action towards my success and making changes in my daily habits

As a Christian, I knew it was important to pray and read my Bible; but, it never became a habit for me until I got on the path to total life transformation, through learning and applying the things I was taught. I started reading my Bible religiously and began to renew my mind with the word of God. I started with the Book of Proverbs, which taught me about wisdom, discernment, and godly character. I also started reading fabulous books that taught me about sophistication, grace, elegance, and etiquette - all things that unfortunately are never taught to young ladies growing up in my old ‘hood.

Throughout constant cycles of revelation from God and self-discovery, I began to break the mindset of contentment, lack, and mediocrity. I pushed myself towards success, studied the behaviors of millionaires and billionaires, and began to strive towards greatness. My poverty mindset had been converted into a wealth mindset; and, the more my mindset changed, the richer and happier I became.

Since I left the 'hood, I've been able to go from having poor credit to excellent credit, from constantly getting evicted from apartments to investing in a luxury resort in Costa Rica, and from feeling limited and defeated to feeling powerful and unstoppable. I took my life from ghetto to fabulous and I KNOW you can do the same!

My prosperity and success is attributed to renewing my mind with the word of God, having a solid relationship with my Creator, constantly learning and taking action on new knowledge, surrounding myself with extraordinarily motivated people, and pushing myself to higher levels of greatness. With the power that God has given me, I became my own best friend and coached myself into being the  successful person that I am today. I give God all the glory for that.

When you grow up in a poor environment, you begin to adapt and settle into a life that is beneath God's desire for you. If you have big dreams, there’s no way you can accomplish them by settling, giving up, throwing in the towel, and lying down in a bed of depression and poverty. Break the chains of financial lack and limitation by getting spiritually connected with your Creator, reading books aligned with your desires, getting around people who are 10 times more successful than you, and taking action towards the fulfillment of your biggest dreams. 

And, if you need additional help, motivation and accountability, hire me as your life coach.

Serious question: what do you have to show for all of your struggles? Do you have a business? Do you own property? Are you walking in your greatness? Are you happy in your marriage and relationships? Are you inspiring others? If you answered "no" to any of those questions, it's time to finally get your life! The good news is, you don't have to do it alone.

If you've tried (and failed) at doing it on your own before, it's time to try another approach. Let me coach you into your next level of success, help you break the chains of poverty forever, and give you strategies for creating and living your best life. 

*Enroll in my coaching program today. It's the best investment you can ever make. Deep down you know you were born for greatness. Now is the time to make your dreams become a reality!

With love,

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